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Buddha Takes the Mound: Enlightenment in 9 Innings
By: Donald Lopez

Buddha Takes the Mound: Enlightenment in 9 Innings, Donald Lopez, St. Martin's
Our Price: $19.99
Members Price: $17.96
Author: Donald Lopez
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781250237910
Publication Date: 2020

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 9781250237910

Description Contents
Buddha Takes the Mound: Enlightenment in 9 Innings is The Tao of Pooh for baseball. Funny, moving, and enlightening, this is a read that will engross, enrich, and charm any baseball fan.

At once a love letter to the sport and an engaging introduction to Buddhism, it shows how the Buddha invented baseball to teach us deep truths about the world, about ourselves, and about each other. Lopez believes that Buddhism provides a lens for us to see baseball in a new way, a way that makes us love the game even more, a way that makes us ponder profound questions about winning and losing, about who we are, about finitude and infinitude, about birth and death.

As Lopez reveals, not only is Buddhism integral to baseball; but baseball is Buddhism, and baseball is ourselves.

Buddha Takes the Mound: Enlightenment in 9 Innings, Donald Lopez, St. Martin's, Hardcover, 184 pp, $19.99

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