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Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach
By: Cyrus Panjvani

Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach, Cyrus Panjvani
Our Price: $29.95
Members Price: $26.95
Author: Cyrus Panjvani
Translator: Michael Hahn
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781551118536
Publication Date: 2014

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 9781551118536

Description About the author
This book philosophically introduces the basic truths, doctrines, and principles of Buddhism. Its goal is to explain the teachings of the Buddha and of Buddhism clearly and consistently. Though the book treads beyond the Buddha's life, into the Abhidharma and Mahayana traditions, it remains throughout a philosophical discussion and elaboration of the Buddha's thought. It is meant to be an accessible guide for those who have no background in Buddhism, and to be beneficial to the philosophical understanding of those who do.

Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach, Cyrus Panjvani, Broadview Press, Paperback, 307 pages, $29.95

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