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By: Gard, Richard

Buddhism <br> By: Gard, Richard
Our Price: $12.00
Members Price: $10.80
Author: Gard, Richard
ISBN: 807601667

Product Code: 5149

The Way of Buddhism: its ideals and philosophy, its religious and moral principles and practicec, its implications in the political, social and cultural life of its followers.
Buddhism, not only as one of the major religious movements of the world, but as a dominant political and social influence in the East is being subjected to ever-increasing study. This volume, which presents the beliefs and practices of Buddhism as expressed in the major writings of the Buddhist tradition, is therefore both highly informaive and timely.
The central insight of Buddhism, its historical development and major variations, are presented at the outset of the volume. From this the reader is led through the vast literature in selections which emphasize the dominant themes of the ideal way of Buddhist life.
The first section describes the teachings of the Buddha and the development of his cult. The basic philosophy of Buddhism is then discussed: its view of the problem of life and the nature of existance; its interpretation of freedom; its explanation of the relation of being, thought, and action. From these principles arisethe practices of the Buddhist religion: the training process, the paths of Buddhism, the principles of ideal conduct. This section closes with a description of principal Buddhist ceremonies and rituals.
Buddhist monasticism is described in authoritative documents. Here will be found not only an explanation of the general organization and regulations of the monastic orders, but detailed accounts of the way of life in three major Buddhist monasteries.
The final section of the volume is of significance for understanding the role of Buddhism today. It presents Buddhist thought on social, political, and cultural issues, and indicates the role which Buddhism may play in the future development of the East.

Buddhism, Richard A. Gard, 256 pages, $12.00

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