Mind is a problematic concept; sundry attempts have already been made from different view points to clear up the problem. However, in this book an endeavour has been made to deal with the problem from Buddhist point of view. An attempt has been made not only to show how Mind functions, rather the task is undertaken to reveal what Mind is. Of course, Mind is not a material object, it is a stream of consciousness, a flow of thought and the body which rooms it is, according to Buddha, an aggregate of four great elements. Mind and Mental Factors have been dealt with the materials available in the early Buddhist texts. Herein different planes of consciousness have been exposed and also explained. In this connection a variety of views about mind of different schools of Buddhist Philosophy have also been discussed. Factors are the properties or qualities of Mind, they are also in a sense psychic-atoms; they are fifty two in all, an exposition of all the factors have neither been done in conformity with theravada tradition. Also an endeavour has been made to provide the reader with a critical study of views held by both Buddhist and Western psychologists about mind and its factors. The way of consciousness in Buddhist Psychology is a journey from ethical maxims to psychological principles. Other way Buddhist Psychology is said to be a meeting point between ethics on the one hand and psychology on the other. Buddhist Psychology, Amal K. Baru, 144 pages, $15.00
Dr. Amal K. Barua hails from a traditional Buddhist family of Chittagong, now in Bangladesh. He received his early education at the school run by Buddhist monastery at his village Ichamati, Rangunia. Pandit Sugatavansa Mahasthavir, a renowned Buddhist scholar, in his youth led him to the hidden treasures of oriental studies. With a thirst for knowledge he came from the remote village of Chittagong to Calcutta. He was then admitted to Nalanda Vidyabhavan, an institution of oriental studies. Pandit Dharmadhar Mahasthavir, the Principal of the institution torched him to light. In 1964 he passed the Bachelor of Arts examination of the University of Calcutta with honours in Mental and Moral Philosophy. Subsequently, he obtained the degree of the Master of Arts in the same subject. Meanwhile, he adorned himself with the degree of Bachelor of Education. He then dedicated himself to Pali and Buddhism. The University of Calcutta conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1983. His delineration earned warm appreciation both from foreign and Indian scholars. He teaches philosophy and logic at Seal�s Free College, Calcutta. His two books Gautama Buddha and Manus Gautama, later being the translation of Gotma the Man by Mrs. Rhys Davids were widely read and highly appreciated by the reading public. He is now the Editor of Nalanda, a very popular journal on Buddhism and Indian Culture published from Calcutta. Besides, he is a member of Asiatic Society, Calcutta and has become the Secretary of Nalanda Vidyabhava.
Preface List of Tables One� Introduction Two� Function and Objects of Mind Three � Realm of Mind Four � Structure and Development of Mind Five � Analysis and Classification of Mind Six � Exposition of Mental Factors or Cetasikas Seven � Tyes of Mental Factors Eight �Combinations of Mental Factors: Sampayogonaya Nine � Classes of Mind in Synthesis: Cetasika Sangahanaya Ten � Conclusion Select Bibliography Index
