Originally written between 1905-1915, this book has been frequently reprinted. It is a well-reviewed overview of Buddhism as a whole.
Chapter headings: The Historic Buddha, The Rationality of Buddhism, The Morality of Buddhism, Buddhism and Caste, Woman in Buddhism, The Four Great Truths, Buddhism and Asceticism, Buddhism and Pessimism, The Noble Eightfold Path, The Riddle of the World, Personality, Death and After, The Summum Bonum
Essence of Buddhism, Lakshmi Narasu, Winsome Books, Paperback, 212 pages, $9.00
P. Lakshmi Narasu, an influential Indian author, made significant contributions to the literary world through his writings and translations. His works, ranging from essays and poetry to historical novels, explored various themes, including Indian culture, philosophy, and social reform. Narasu's dedication to preserving and promoting Indian literature, as well as his keen insights into society, established him as a notable figure in Indian letters.