Female Buddhas presents an appraisal of the feminine in Tibetan Buddhism and an overview of its prominence in Tibetan art by Tibetologist Glenn H. Mullin. It includes over a hundred full-color plates of Tibetan Masterpieces from the Shelley and Donald Rubin Collections. Glenn H. Mullin is one of the world's foremost Tibetologists. He has published approximately twenty books on Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, including The Fourteen Dalai Lamas. Mullin is an internationally renowned Buddhist scholar, an acclaimed translator of Tibetan classics, a well-known speaker on the international lecture circuit and a popular teacher of tantric Buddhist meditation. Jeff Watt is a curator of the Rubin Art Museum in New York City and is one of the world's foremost experts in Tibetan iconography.
Female Buddhas, Glenn H. Mullin with Jeff J. Watt, Clear Light Publishers, Hardcover, 231 pages, $39.95
Glenn H. Mullin is an internationally renowned Tibetologist, author, and expert on Buddhist meditation. Glenn Lived in Dharamsala, India, the home of the Dalai Lama, for many years, where he studied Tibetan language, literature, yoga, and meditation under twenty-five of the greatest masters of Tibet. He is the author of over fifteen books on Buddhist topics and has led many pilgrimages to Nepal and Tibet in the last five years. He now divides his time between writing, lecturing, giving workshops, leading pilgrimages to the power places of Central Asia.