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Footprints in the Dust : The Life of the Buddha from the Most Ancient Sources
By: Dhammika

Footprints in the Dust : The Life of the Buddha from the Most Ancient Sources, Dhammika, Partyatti Press
Our Price: $16.95
Members Price: $15.26
Author: Dhammika
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781681725963
Publication Date: 2023

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 9781681725963

Description About the author
" Unlike stiff biographies of the Buddha or biographies that are replete with mystery and magic, Footprints in the Dust enables us get to know the Buddha as a human being-a deeply compassionate and wise person who not only actualized the path to enlightenment but also shared the way to accomplish that path with countless others so that they too may gain supreme peace. We learn of the challenges Gotama faced-many similar to our own-and how he dealt with them. We see his responses when praised and blamed, when confronted with crises within the Order and disputes among kings and couples. We see how he guided monastic and lay disciples with their diverse personalities and dispositions. In getting an insider's glimpse into how his wisdom and compassion manifested when engaged in situations that we too may experience, we learn how to work in a constructive way with whatever life brings us. This is an inspiring and engaging book that you will read and reread many times "
Bhiksuni Thubten Chodron

Footprints in the Dust : The Life of the Buddha from the Most Ancient Sources, Dhammika, Partyatti Press, Paperback, 271 pages, $16.95

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