Guided meditations for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body. The culmination of decades of personal and professional explorations into the process of human consciousness, Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healing is an indispensable source book, filled with resources for healing and the deepening of awareness. Essential reading for anyone facing pain, severe illness, addiction, or other forms of suffering, in these pages Levine presents practical processes for the deep exploration of the mind and body, which are used widely in meditation centers, hospices, and hospitals around the world. They are offered for the benefit of all who are drawn to looking inward.
GUIDED MEDITATIONS, EXPLORATIONS AND HEALINGS, Stephen Levine, Anchor Books, Paperback, 328 pages, 1991, $16.95.
Stephen Levine (July 17, 1937 � January 17, 2016) was an American poet, author and teacher best known for his work on death and dying. He is one of a generation of pioneering teachers who, along with Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, have made the teachings of Theravada Buddhism more widely available to students in the West. Like the writings of his colleague and close friend, Ram Dass (formerly Richard Alpert), Stephen's work is also flavoured by the devotional practices and teachings (also known as Bhakti Yoga) of the Hindu Guru Neem Karoli Baba. This aspect of his teaching may be considered one way in which his work differs from that of the more purely Buddhist oriented teachers named above. Allusions in his teachings to a creator, which he variously terms God, The Beloved, The One and 'Uugghh', further distinguish his work from that of other contemporary Buddhist writers.