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Immortality and Reincarnation: Wisdom from the Forbidden Journey
By: David-Neel, Alexandra

Immortality and Reincarnation
Our Price: $12.95
Members Price: $11.66
Author: David-Neel Alexandra
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780892816194

Product Code: 5477

The question of what occurs to the individual personality after death is one of the fundamental quandaries of the human experience The famed traveler and mystic Alexandra David-Neel, one of the first Western women to see the forbidden city of Lhasa, Tibet, examines here the various Eastern Concepts Concerning life after death Contary to Western belief, which sees the human being as composed of a mortal body and an immortal soul, many Easterners believe in both the immortality of the body and the soul Alexandra David-Neel gained firsthand knowledge of these beliefs and the practices they engendered in the course of her travels at the beginning of this century. In Immortality and Reincarnation she puts them together for a unique look at reincarnation and eternal life in a region that had not yet been touched by the modern world.

Immortality & Reincarnation, Alexandra David-Neel, Inner Traditions, $12.95

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