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Joy of Being: Advanced Kum Nye Practices for Relaxation, Integration and Concentration
By: Tarthang Tulku

Joy of Being: Advanced Kum Nye Practices for Relaxation, Integration and Concentration
Our Price: $16.95
Members Price: $15.26
Author: Tarthang Tulku
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780898003888
Publication Date: 2006

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 14482

Description Contents
"In mastering Kum Nye, we learn how to benefit from all manner of experience; we gain confidence that is grounded in self-knowledge and establish a foundation of joy that can sustain us throughout our lives. We learn what it means to be complete within ourselves: We discover what it means to BE."

The Joy of Being goes beyond the purely physical aspects of relaxation to directly convey the joyful, wide-awake flavor of meditation. Once we experience that intense, energized state of being, we know it can lead us home to the heart of our being.

"While some orientation is helpful, words alone cannot connect you with Kum Nye: it is the practice that gives you the direct experience, and it is the experience that enables you to transform the quality of your life."

In The Joy of Being, Tarthang Tulku offers more than forty physical, sensory, and mental exercises that introduce us to new dimensions of enjoyment and pleasure.

  • More than forty exercises and practices
  • Step-by-step figure illustrations photographed in full color
Joy of Being: Advanced Kum Nye Practices for Relaxation, Integration and Concentration, Tarthang Tulku, Dharma Publishing, Paperback, 310 pp, $16.95

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