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Mandala of the Five Buddhas
By: Vessantara

Mandala of the Five Buddhas <br> By: Vessantara
Our Price: $11.95
Members Price: $10.75
Author: Vessantara
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1899579168

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 13270

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas is a map to our unconscious world and a blueprint of what we could become. The five Buddhas are aspects of Enlightenment, a state of boundless compassion, energy and wisdom that we can choose to develop. Accompanied by Vessantara, we can take a vivid journey into the heart of the mandala to meet these five majestic figures and begin to awaken in ourselves the qualities that they embody.

Mandala of the Five Buddhas, Vessantara, Windhorse Publications, 1999, 96 pages, $11.95

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