The volumes of The Buddhist Forum publish papers presented at meetings of the Forum held at the School of Oriental and African studies, London.
Buddhist Forum, Volume I, Seminar Papers 1987-1988, Edited by: Tadeusz Skorupski, Heritage Publishers, Hardcover, 1990, 121 Pages, $20.00
Dr. Tadeusz Skorupski is a lecturer in Buddhist Studies at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Recovering the Buddha's Message, R.F. Gombrich
How the Mahayana Began, R.F. Gombrich
Pali Philology and the Study of Buddhism, K.R. Norman
How Buddhist is Theraveda Buddhist Law? A. Huxley
"Kill the Patriarchs!", T.H. Barrett
Exporatory Observations on Some Weeping Pilgrims, T.H. Barrett
Images and Permutations of Vajrasattva in the Vajradhatumandala, I. Astley-Kristensen