The present publication, the second volume in the Buddhist Forum series, contains a selection of the papers presented for discussion at the SOAS Buddhist Forum seminars during the past two academic years, namely, 1988-89 and 1989-90. It covers a whole range of topics relating to the various areas of Buddhist studies such as philosophy, doctrines, philology, history, art and other relevant subjects.
Buddhist Forum, Volume II, Seminar Papers 1988-90, Edited by: Tadeusz Skorupski, Heritage Publishers, Hardcover, 1992, 218 Pages, $35.00
Dr. Tadeusz Skorupski is a lecturer in Buddhist Studies at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Devil's Valley to Omega Point: Reflections on the Emergence of a Theme from the No, T.H. Barrett
Buddhism, Taoism and the Rise of the City Gods, T.H. Barrett
The 'Five Points' and the Origins of the Buddhist Schools, L.S. Cousins
Some Formative Influences in Mahayana Buddhist Art, P.T. Denwood
The rNying-ma Interpretation of Commitment and Vow, G. Dorje
Samvrti, Vyavahara and Paramartha in the Aksayamatinidesa and its Commentary by Vasubandhu, Ch.E. Freeman
Monk, Householder and Priest: What the Three Yanas Mean to Newar Buddhists, D.N. Gellner
Councils as Ideas and Events in the Theravada, C. Hallisey
The Practical Implications of the Doctrine of Buddha-nature, S. Hookham
Observations on the Tibetan Phur-ba and the Indian Kila, R. Mayer
Theravada Buddhism and Brahmanical Hinduism: Brahmanical Terms in a Buddhist Guise, K.R. Norman