The Swan King, said to have rare feathers of silver, lives on a glorious lake with 60,000 devoted swans. But when the ruler of a nearby city lures away the swan kings loyal flock and even the king himself, the silver-feathered swan runs into trouble. Who will help the royal bird, and who will save the swans? The Swan Kingdom, one of the most beloved parables on this audio CD, illuminates for children of all ages ideas of desire and loyalty, courage and friendship. Other delightful examples from the Jataka Tales on the CD include The Young Parrot, The Empty Lake, The Masters Test, The Two Pigs, The Patient Buffalo, and The Sarabha.
Compositions by Karl Berger and Ted Orr Ingrid Sertso Tells the Jataka Tales of Noor Inayat Khan Volume 2, Ani-La, CD, 2014, $15.95
Noor Inayat Khan was a young poet and childrens story book writer who lived in France. In 1940, at age 26, she published Twenty Jataka Tales, which retells the stories of the past lives of the Buddha before he reached enlightenment. This publication helped bring these stories of wisdom and courage to life for modern audiences. Noor lived her own exciting story of courage and integrity. Her father came from a princely Indian-Muslim family, and her mother was American. When her father died, the talented and compassionate girl took responsibility for her mother and younger siblings. At the onset of World War II, the Nazis drove into France, and the family fled to England. At that point, Noor made a decision that changed her life. She became an agent, a spy, who would relay secret information about the Nazis back to the French Resistance.
NoorInayatKhanNoor joined the Womens Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), which eventually led to training in secret warfare. She flew to France where she transmitted secret messages between London and Paris. (Code name: Madeleine.) Betrayed to the Nazis, the gentle Noor fiercely fought her arrest. Following several escape attempts, she was imprisoned and shackled. The only information she gave the Nazis were lies. At 30 years of age she, along with three other women, were killed at Dachau Concentration Camp. In 1949, after her death, the King of England awarded Noor Inayat Khan a British George Cross. She was also appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire and awarded a French Croix de Guerre with Gold Star. Her Jataka Tales collection and her personal story are testaments to a life in service of a higher ideal.

Behind all the voices and the sound effects of The Jataka Tales is the singular voice of an original, Ingrid Sertso. This adventurous vocalist has blended jazz, African, South American, and other world-beat influences into a distinctive, hypnotic sound. Ingrid has performed her poetry around the world, and she has recorded and performed with jazz and world music luminaries, including Don Cherry, Steve Lacy, Karl Berger, Ed Blackwell, Dave Brubeck, and Steve Gorn. She also co-founded, with Ornette Coleman and Karl Berger, the world-renown Creative Music Studio .This recording of The Jataka Tales showcases the broad range of Ingrids vocal talents. Her vocalizations captivate listeners of all ages with the beauty of these wondrous and wise stories.
